Elder Care in Atlanta GA
Your elderly loved one experiencing a burn can be frightening. As a family caregiver it is extremely important that you know how to respond to these injuries promptly and effectively should they occur. This can reduce the risk of severe injury and hasten healing so that your parent can move forward after their burn. It is important to remember that the type of care your parent will need after suffering a burn will depend largely on the severity of the burn that they experience. While you can successfully manage first degree and even some second degree burns at home, third degree burns will require medical attention to heal successfully and prevent severe consequences.
Use these tips to provide first aid for a mild burn:
- Cool the burn by holding it beneath running water for 10 to 15 minutes. This water should be cool, not cold, as water that is too cold can actually further the damage to the skin. If running water is not available or if it is preferable to your parent, you can also place a cool, damp towel on the burned area.
- Remove anything tight in the area of the burn, such as jewelry or tight clothing, to prevent injury should the area swell.
- Discourage your elderly parent from breaking blisters, even those as small as their pinky fingernail as this can make the skin vulnerable to infection and further injury.
- If a blister does break accidentally, clean the skin very gently, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover with gauze or a bandage.
- Moisturize the skin throughout the healing process to promote better rebuilding of the skin and to provide relief from symptoms such as tightness, itching, and mild pain. Good options for moisturizers include aloe vera gel, which is natural and highly moisturizing without potentially dangerous chemicals.
Starting elder care for your aging parent can be one of the most nurturing, effective, and meaningful decisions that you can make for them throughout your care journey. Their highly personalized approach to care ensures that your aging parent gets the support, encouragement, and assistance that is right for them. This means taking into consideration not just your aging loved one’s individual challenges, limitations, and needs, but also their personality, goals, and lifestyle as well as the care efforts that you put forth for them. Through this individualized approach the elderly home care services provider can encourage your parent to stay safe, healthy, and comfortable, but also maintain their independence, activity, and quality of life in the way that is right for them. When it comes to helping protect them from the dangers of burns, this care provider can support them in understanding the risks. They can then go throughout the home with them to help them identify potential risks, as well as providing supervision and guidance to help prevent lifestyle choices and actions that can increase the risk of burns. Should your loved one experience a burn, this care provider can also help them to manage it properly and take the appropriate steps to get the medical attention that they need.
If you or an aging family member are considering hiring elder care in Atlanta, GA, please contact the caring staff at Caring Companions of Atlanta 470-514-5954.
We provide quality non-medical services to our clients in their homes or in a facility if that’s where they live. Our staff is available for care plans for extensive care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or as little as 4 hours per visit. Reach out to us, and one of our outstanding administrative staff will meet with potential clients to assist them and their families in designing an effective, personal plan of care.
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