I am humbled to say that Caring Companions of Atlanta has some of the BEST caregivers in the industry. It is not by accident, however. Our team screens relentlessly and we go to great lengths to align clients and caregivers…not just provide warm bodies.
One of the best of the best caregivers we have had is named Cjay…since starting with us over a year ago, she has grown from providing great care to our client base to now working as an assistant manager and critical part of our management team. Wearing that hat Cjay commented on our weekly team meeting after two weeks of “stay at home” orders that we needed to do something for our caregivers. They are out there doing what they do under less than ideal circumstances. We settled on a care package.
Our first thought was food…or sweets to let them know how sweet they are to our clients. But after mulling it over, we settled on a package that really said we care. So, our offering to the team took the form of an insulated bag filled with stuff to help our caregivers keep their families healthy and (or course) some sweets too! Enclosed was the letter below as well.
“Dear treasured Caring Companions Caregiver: April 20, 2020
We wanted to send you a little something to keep you and your family as safe as possible during these strange times. We would be nothing without you guys and we are so thankful for not only the work you do, but the character you bring to our team.
Please use these items to keep you family healthy as you navigate daily life…this is not being provided for you to use at your client’s homes. You are, of course free to do so should that be what is best for you.
About a week ago, one of our team members came up with the idea of a care package for each of you. We thought about many, many things, but landed on this. An insulated bag for shopping, masks, sanitizer and some goodies. While it is a small token of our appreciation, it is very sincere.
We hope it is evident we really do respect and care about you guys. As always, feel free to reach out any time and ask question, give feedback or whatever. We have your back just like you have ours!
Stay safe, healthy and happy. We will get through this together!
The team at Caring Companions of Atlanta
Paul, Adam, Suzanne, Cjay, Lynn and Gail”
Thanks Caregivers for all you do. We would be NOTHING without you!
- Happy Halloween! - October 31, 2024
- Falls and Parkinson’s Disease - September 12, 2024
- We are Growing! Paige Vohs joins Caring Companions of Atlanta! - August 15, 2024